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USPS released an update to PostalOne. The mail.dat file can no longer be uploaded with the old version.
Features & Settings
Learn how to update PostalOne! Mail.dat user login information for PB First and ConnectRight Mailer.
Learn how to set the IS950C Riso printer to feed printed duplex jobs from PBFirst face up in the output tray.
Answers to frequently asked questions about Full Service and TrackMyMail.
Learn how to resolve the error "The Value You Entered isn't Valid for this Field" when printing with Load Balancing Printer in PBFirst.
Learn how to resolve the OCR-A font changing to a different font on parts of the PDF when printing presorted pieces in PBFirst.
Learn how to resolve the error "The Value You Entered isn't Valid for this Field" when printing with Load Balancing Printer in PBFirst.
Learn how to resolve the OCR-A font changing to a different font on parts of the PDF when printing presorted pieces in PBFirst.
Errors & Troubleshooting
Learn how to resolve the error "Index or primary key cannot contain a Null value" in PBFirst.
Learn how to resolve the error "Error in opening application: 40071 - The Visual Basic for Applications project in the database is corrupt" when opening PBFirst.
Learn how to resolve a "Query is Corrupted" message in PBFirst.
Learn how to resolve "Your file submission to the PostalOne is UnSuccessful" when submitting to Mail.dat in PBFirst.
Learn how to resolve the PBFirst error "There is an invalid .mpa Permit Number and .mpa Postage Payment Method combination; the Permit Number must reference an active permit for the associated payment method at the .mpa Permit ZIP+4 code in the .mpa file."
Learn how to resolve the error "No payment method was found" when trying to verify or presort in ConnectRight Mailer. In PBFirst, the error "The process cannot access the file" may also appear.
Learn how to resolve "Error in getting count for Normal Pieces from DestAddr table" when processing a PBFirst presort job.
Learn how to resolve the error "ConnectRight Mailer is currently running a job," when running a PBFirst or PlanetPress job.
"DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed" when launching PlanetPress dashboard
Learn how to resolve the error "DataTables warning (table id = 'statusLog'): DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed. This is caused by a JSON formatting error." when launching the PlanetPress dashboard.
Learn how to resolve the error "The Value You Entered isn't Valid for this Field" when printing with Load Balancing Printer in PBFirst.
The error "PBFirst Error: Sort_Probaddr->Error in sorting progaddr display order. File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry." occurs because number of locks required to perform a transaction exceeds the maximum number of locks per file.
Learn how to resolve a PlanetPress job that does not complete.
Learn how to resolve when the PBFirst Automator keeps launching even after it completes job.
Learn how to resolve the OCR-A font changing to a different font on parts of the PDF when printing presorted pieces in PBFirst.
If printed letters are not aligned properly, the printer hardware may have changed and the margins may need to be adjusted.
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