The Black Friday/Cyber Monday report card

We look at what consumers thought of their Black Friday/Cyber Monday online shopping experiences and share their plans for the final weeks of the holiday season.

Image caption: “low angle, digital image from behind, santa reviewing a report card in front of a beautiful Christmas tree.” Artwork by DALL-E / Courtesy OpenAI, edited by Pitney Bowes.

To the chagrin of holiday inflatable enthusiasts and relief of parents held hostage by Elf on the Shelf, the light at the end of the peak season tunnel is in sight. This month on BOXpoll, we’re doing a post-game review of consumers’ Black Friday/Cyber Monday online experiences and sharing their shopping plans for the final weeks of the holiday season.


First up, a roll call of who shopped which sale(s):

Of the consumers who shopped the online sales, here’s what they thought:

Here’s what retailers should expect from them in the remaining weeks before Christmas:

And finally, a peek at what’s left on everyone’s holiday shopping lists (including consumers who didn’t shop Black Friday or Cyber Monday):

BOXpoll™ by Pitney Bowes, a weekly consumer survey on current events, culture, and ecommerce logistics. Conducted by Pitney Bowes with Morning Consult // 2200 US consumers surveyed November 2022. © Copyright Pitney Bowes Inc.