Upgrading the Spectrum Global Geocoding SDK distribution

Before starting the upgrade procedure:

Perform the following steps from a node in your cluster, such as the node where your reference data is located.

  1. Extract the updated GGS distribution to a local directory.
    unzip /precisely/ggs-dist-version.zip  -d /precisely/ggs-dist
  2. Copy/paste your backed up config directory to: /precisely/ggs-dist/software/resources/config
  3. Distribute the updated GGS resources to HDFS/S3: Delete the existing resources directory and then upload the resources from the new release.
    Note: If you are manually configuring the reference data as described in Manually Configuring the Reference Data"Manually Configuring the Reference Data" in the Geocoding for Big Data User Guide, follow those instructions before uploading the resources directory. Make sure to use the CLI packaged with the GGS distribution in step 1.
    Distributing using HDFS:
    hadoop fs -rm -r /precisely/geocoding/software/resources/
    hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /precisely/ggs-dist/resources /precisely/geocoding/software/resources
    Distributing using S3: Note: The commands below use s3:// URI format for referencing locations on Amazon S3. When running on Cloudera or Hortonworks, you may need to use s3a:// instead of s3://.
    hadoop fs -rm -r s3://<your-bucket>/precisely/geocoding/software/resources
    hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /precisely/ggs-dist/resources s3://<your-bucket>/precisely/geocoding/software/resources
    Distributing Manually to the Local File System:

    Overwrite the resources directory from the previous distribution with the new content on each node. For more information, see geocoding_data_installation_local.html. For more information, see "Distributing Manually to the Local File System" in the Geocoding for Big Data User Guide.