Installing Operational Addressing SDK

For the purposes of this guide, we will:

  • use a user called sdkuser
  • install everything into /precisely

Perform the following steps from a node in your cluster, such as the master node.

  1. Download and extract sbg<version> to a temporary location. There will be two folders. For Operational Addressing SDK, use: spectrum-bigdata-addressing-version.
  2. Create the install directory and give ownership to sdkuser.
    sudo mkdir /precisely
    sudo chown sdkuser:sdkuser /precisely
  3. Copy the addressing distribution.
    mkdir /precisely/addressing
    mkdir /precisely/addressing/software
    cp -R /precisely/temp/spectrum-bigdata-addressing-version/. -d /precisely/addressing/software
  4. You will now need to install your reference data - see Installing the Reference Data.