Searching for jobs in TrackMyMail

You can search for jobs and view their details on the dashboard.

Products affected: TrackMyMail™

You can search for jobs and view their details on the dashboard.

  1. On the left side, select TMM Dashboard.
    Dashboard icon
  2. If using a reseller account, select the reseller client from the Select Reseller Client menu.
  3. To change the date range, select the dates or calendar icon, choose the desired date range, and select Apply.
  4. To search by job ID, enter the ID in the Search box.
  5. To search by job title, select Job ID, then select Job Title and enter the title in the Search box.
  6. To view the job details, select the link in the Job ID column. To close the details, select the X in the upper right.

UPDATED: December 19, 2024