Types of reports in TrackMyMail

There are several different types of reports that you can run or schedule in TrackMyMail.

Products affected: TrackMyMail™

There are several different types of reports that you can run or schedule in TrackMyMail.

View Result by Date

The View Result by Date report shows the number of mailpieces that arrived in-home each day. This report provides an overall view of how a mailing is being delivered.

View Result by State

The View Result by State report shows a summary of the projected mailpieces in-home by state so that you know when and where mail was delivered. This report can be used to pinpoint delivery problems, identify delivery trends, and know how to staff stores and call centers based upon reported in-home dates and volume.

Single Piece Lookup (TMM Job Lookup)

You can look up a mailpiece on the TMM Job Lookup screen by tracking ID, Unique Identifier, or the first 20 characters of an Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) to view the scan history and find out if it was delivered. You can customize the information by uploading a mailing data file that includes name, address, unique identifier, or other custom information. The system matches the scans it receives to each uploaded record, providing a detailed report for each mailpiece.

Delivered Origin Pcs

The Delivered Origin Pcs report gives a detailed list of reply mailpieces that have been sent back by recipients. Your uploaded mailing detail data is used with the Informed Visibility data to generate a list of people who have replied to the mailing using courtesy or business reply mailpieces.

Daily Scan

The Daily Scan report provides a snapshot of the scans received daily for any job. If target in-home dates are included when submitting the job, counts for Early, On Time, and Late will also be included.

Mail Piece History

The Mail Piece History report is a mailpiece-level report that provides the first and last scan detail on each piece in the mailing along with the estimated day of delivery based on the operation code scan. If it is a Stop-the-Clock operation code, then an estimated delivery date is generated based on the date and time of the scan. It includes the mailing detail information that was uploaded when creating the job, including name, address, user defined field, etc.

Daily Combined ACS Data
Daily Combined InHome Data
Daily Combined InProcess Data

The Combined In-Home reports provide a detailed list of mailpieces daily across all jobs that have In-process or In-home scan data in a data file. Your uploaded mailing detail data is used with the USPS Informed Visibility data to generate a specific list of mailpieces with an in-home scan or in-process (first) scan. These reports are only available as a scheduled report and must be scheduled by a Pitney Bowes representative; they cannot be run on demand.

UPDATED: December 19, 2024