Voiding or refunding a UPS or FedEx label in ShipAccel

If you are not going to use a FedEx or UPS shipping label that was created, you can void it or request a refund.

Products affected: ShipAccel

If you are not going to use a FedEx or UPS shipping label that you created, you can void it or request a refund.

The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.


  • Refunding or voiding means that you are not going to use the label. If you do use the label, even after voiding it, you will be will charged for the label cost.
  • For Pitney Bowes FedEx Rate Accounts and Pitney Bowes UPS Rate Accounts, credit card fees are not refundable.
  • For Pitney Bowes FedEx Rate Accounts and Pitney Bowes UPS Rate Accounts, the refund will be applied to the credit card used for that transaction.
  • This applies to FedEx and UPS only. For USPS labels, you must request a refund.
  • The Refund/Void option is not available if:
    • The label is older than 30 days.
    • A FedEx manifest has been printed (FedEx only).

Refunding/Voiding a label from the history

  1. Select Shipping & Mailing > Request a Refund.
  2. Select the arrow next to the desired shipment, then select Refund Label or Void Label.
  3. Check the box to confirm that you wish to mark the label as refunded/voided.
  4. Select Continue.

Refunding/Voiding a label immediately after printing it

  1. In the confirmation of the label that you just printed, select Refund Label or Void Label.
  2. Check the box to confirm that you wish to mark the label as refunded/voided.
  3. Select Continue.

Batch/multiple shipments

  1. Select Shipping & Mailing > Request a Refund.
  2. Select the Batch Shipments tab.
  3. Select the arrow next to the batch that contains the label(s) you wish to refund/void.
  4. Check the boxes next to the labels you wish to refund/void.
  5. Select the Refund Label or Void Label button.
  6. Select the box to agree to the conditions.
  7. Select Continue.

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UPDATED: February 07, 2025