Using the Orders & Returns dashboard in ShipAccel

Use this dashboard to view orders and returns activity and spending trends across the enterprise at a glance.
Products affected: ShipAccel

Use the ShipAccel Orders & Returns dashboard to view KPIs for your order and return activity.

  1. Select Analytics > Dashboard.
    anayltics menu dashboard highlighted

  2. Select the Orders & Returns tab.
    dashboard orders and returns tab
  3. Use the filters to select the data you wish to view.
    analytics dashboard filters no decimal preferences

    1. Filter: The default value is Division/Region.
    2. Division/Region: Select the divisions you wish to view.
    3. Location: Select the locations you wish to view.
    4. Date Range: Select one of the preset time periods, or select Custom Range to enter a specific date range.
    5. Refresh: Once you have selected all of your options, click the refresh icon to display the report.


UPDATED: October 15, 2024