Viewing your top potential ways to save in PitneyAnalytics

Use the Savings Advisor to show you potential ways to save based on your transaction history.
Products affected: PitneyAnalytics

Use the advanced Advisor to show you potential ways to save based on your transaction history in the. Links in the Advisor results will take you to the Shipment Details Report filtered to show you savings opportunities.

The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.

You can find this information in multiple ways.


Advisor Insights and Recommendations will show you your savings activity and give you recommendations for top potential ways to save.

  1. Select Analytics > Advisor.
    Select Advisor from the Analytics menu
  2. Scroll down to the Top Potential Ways to Save section.
  3. Click View Details to see the savings recommendations in the Shipping Details Report.
    top potential ways to save tiles with view details links

Savings Advisor in the sending report

Savings Advisor will show you your realized savings and potential ways to save.

  1. Select Analytics > Reports.
    select Analytics > Reports
  2. Click Savings Advisor.
    savings advisor recommendations
  3. Click the View Details widgets to see the savings recommendations in the Shipment Details Report.
    Savings advisor "view details" widgets

Shipment Details Report

  1. Select Analytics > Reports.
    select Analytics > Reports
  2. Click Shipment Details Report.
  3. Click the AllShipments filter to select a recommendation.
    savings recommendations filter

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UPDATED: September 03, 2024