Importing contacts in PitneyShip

You can import contacts into the system by uploading a CSV file.
Products affected: PitneyShip™

You can import contacts into your address book by uploading a CSV file up to 5 MB in size. If your file is larger than 5 MB, break it up into separate smaller files.

  1. If you are importing addresses from another program, export/save those addresses as a CSV file.
  2. Select Settings > Address Book.
  3. Select Import.
  4. (Optional) To use a template to create your import file, select Download a .csv template. The file sample-address-import.csv will be downloaded. You can insert your addresses into this template, or copy the headers (first row) from this template into your own address file. However, this is not necessary because you will be prompted to map your address data later.
  5. Select the type of file you are importing:
    • To import a file that you exported from UPS, select Import UPS Contacts.
    • To import a file that you exported from FedEx, select Import FedEx Contacts.
    • For all other files, select Import Multiple Contacts.
  6. Select Choose File and choose your import file.
  7. To remove all existing addresses in your address book and replace them with the addresses in your CSV file, select Replace my private contacts with imported contacts. If this is not checked, the addresses in the import file will be added to the addresses already in your address book.
  8. Select Continue.
  9. In the Import Contacts window, match your CSV file fields in the Your CSV Fields column with the PitneyShip fields in the Address Book Fields column. Review the list and make sure that all of the fields are mapped correctly. For any that say Ignore Field, choose the correct field. If you choose Ignore Field, that field will not be imported.
  10. Select Import.

UPDATED: October 11, 2023