"Unable to get Hubcapp version please check your server URL is correct" message in SendPro Enterprise

The message "Unable to get HubCapp version please check your server URL is correct" means that the HubCapp Server URL is incorrect or contains a space, slash, or extra character at the beginning or end.
Products affected: SendPro® Enterprise


When opening the SendPro Enterprise App or saving settings, the message "Unable to get HubCapp version please check your server URL is correct. Please contact your Administrator" appears.


The HubCapp Server URL is incorrect or contains a space, slash, or extra character at the beginning or end.


  1. Right-click on the yellow H icon in the system tray (small icons by the clock).
  2. Select Configure.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Make sure that the URL in the settings does not contain any spaces, slashes, or other extra characters at the beginning or end. The URL should be formatted as follows:

UPDATED: June 16, 2023