Bulk import users using SFTP in PBIL

Follow these steps to bulk import users into the PBILsystem using SFTP.
Products affected: PBIL, Intelligent Lockers

Follow these steps to bulk import users into the PBIL system using SFTP.

  1. Set your import options in PBIL.
    1. Click the Settings icon at the top and select Application. PBIL Settings icon
    2. Click Configuration Settings, then select Import Settings.
    3. Click Configure.
    • The “Bulk Import Email Notification” indicates when an email is sent on completion of the import. (See step 4 for definitions of selections.)
    • The “Bulk User Handling” Allows for Add/Update or Add/Update/Delete. The Delete setting will delete users that are not in the import file.
  2. Connect to the SFTP server.
    • Host: sftp.pbil.pitneybowes.com
    • Port: 22
    • Username:
    • Production: BPN i.e. 012345678
    • Sandbox: S + BPN i.e. S012345678
    • Key File: (Sent to client administrator)
  3. Transfer the file
    IMPORTANT: The file name must start with “Users,” otherwise the system will NOT process the file.
    1. There are two folders in the SFTP account. New files should be put into the “uploads” folder.
    2. Transfer the file(s) to the Uploads/Users folder on SFTP site
  4. See Appendix for file structures

If setting “BULK IMPORT EMAIL NOTIFICATION” is set to INFO, then an email will be sent after the completion of every import. If this setting is set to ERROR, the email will ONLY be sent if there are errors in import.

If there were errors generated, a new file will be added to the “downloads” folder. The file contains every record that gave an error and a description of the error.

File structure

File name format: Users{UNIQUEDATA}.csv

All headers must be in the file, even if there is no data for every field.

ReceiverCodestring50YesIdentifier (Must be unique. Used as primary key and will affect updates/adds/deletes)
FirstNamestring100YesFirst name
MiddleNamestring100 Middle name
LastNamestring100YesLast name
EmailAddressstring150YesEmail (must be unique)
Phonestring40 Phone (no special characters or spaces)
SiteCodestring100YesSite the user belongs to
(0 or 1)
1 Applies to users with permissions to admin portal (defaults to true)
(0 or 1)
1 Accessible lockers required (defaults to false)
(0 or 1)
1 Defaults to true


UPDATED: January 21, 2022