"Check for updates" message will not clear on the SendPro C Lite, SendPro C, SendPro+ and SendPro C Auto

Check your network connection, reboot your device and try another connection if the "Check for updates" message will not clear.
Products affected: SendPro® C Lite, SendPro® C, SendPro®+, SendPro® C Auto  (8H00, 9H00)


The "Check for updates" message will not clear. The screen displays "Checking for Updates" for 15 minutes or longer.


  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  2. Tap Back or Home.
  3. Check the network connectivity icon in the upper right.
    • wired-button-khub_45x37 Means you have a wired connection.
    • wireless-button-khub_50x34 Means you are connected to Wi-Fi.
  4. Tap SendPro Apps, then Rates and Updates. Allow the meter 15 minutes to connect. This may take longer is you have a slow internet connection.
  5. Restart the device by unplugging the power cable.
  6. Tap SendPro Apps, then Rates and Updates from the Home screen.

If you are having connection issues please refer to the Related topics below. 

Related topics

UPDATED: July 09, 2024