Flashing power button on the SendPro Mailstation
The power button lamp will indicate what your device is doing. Most of these actions are normal for your device and require no action on your part.
If your power button LED is not steady white, then select the option below that best describes this light on your SmartLink device.
- White, flashing
- Blue, one flash every two seconds
- Blue, two quick flashes every two seconds
- Blue, rapid flashes
- Red, steady
- Red, flashing
White, steady
What this means
The device is ready.
What this means
The device is initializing, printing, shutting down, or in a cleaning cycle.
Action required
Wait until the action is finished
What this means
The device is in sleep mode
Action required
Tap the screen
Blue, two quick flashes every two seconds
What this means
The device is downloading software
Action required
Wait until the action is finished
What this means
The lift motor is too hot
Action required
Wait until the button returns to steady white.
What this means
Internal error:
A steady red light may be an indicator there is no ink cartridge installed.
Action required
When you are installing the device
If you see this during installation, follow the on-screen prompts. The power button will turn solid white after you install the ink.
When you are using the device
Check to see if ink is installed.
Restart the device.
What this means
Internal error
Action required
Restart the device
If you need further assistance, please chat with us.
UPDATED: June 15, 2023