Updating PitneyTrack Inbound apps on mobile devices

Learn how to manually update PitneyTrack Inbound apps on Pitney Bowes-provided mobile devices.

Products affected: PitneyTrack® Inbound

While Pitney Bowes-provided mobile devices are configured to automatically update apps, but sometimes it may be necessary to start the update process manually.

Features availability varies by subscription level. If you have any questions regarding your subscription level, please contact your administrator.

  1. Turn on and unlock the device.
  2. Browse to all apps.
  3. Select Hub.
  4. If an authentication screen appears, select Server, then enter the following values:
    • Server: ds700.awmdm.com
    • Group ID: dpstage
    • Username: pbuser
    • Password: pbuser
  5. Select App Catalog.
  6. Select PitneyTrack Inbound.
  7. Select Install.
  8. Select Install again to confirm.
  9. Once the app is installed, select the home button to return to the Home screen.

UPDATED: November 21, 2024