Confirm the effective date for postal rates on your SendPro C Lite, SendPro C, SendPro+, SendPro C Auto

You can check to see if you have downloaded the latest rates for each postal class on your device.
Products affected: SendPro® C Lite, SendPro® C, SendPro®+, SendPro® C Auto  (2H00, 8H00, 9H00)

You can check to see if you have downloaded the latest rates for each postal class on your device.

  1. Tap Print on Envelopes.
  2. Tap Class.
  3. Tap Start Over to display a list of all the available classes.
  4. Tap on the information icon (i) next to the class you want to check, for example First-Class Retail Metered. The rate change information appears for the class.

UPDATED: July 10, 2023