Install SmartLink Cellular (White Device)

You can use the SmartLink Cellular device with mailstation, mailstation2, DM100i, DM125, DM200L, DM300, DM400 or DM475.
Products affected: mailstation™, mailstation2™,  DM200™, DM100™, DM400™, and DM475™

Alert: The USPS has discontinued all IBI meter technology, and many devices must be returned and withdrawn from service by the end of 2024. If your device is affected, new business rules will disrupt your mailing operation. Check Your Account to see if your device is affected and contact your Account Representative to migrate to a compliant solution.

The SmartLink cellular device allows you to add funds to your meter, perform automatic updates, and receive alerts using the cellular network.
You can use the SmartLink Cellular device with mailstation, mailstation2, DM100i, DM125, DM200L, DM300, DM400 or DM475.

What's in the box

Cellular SmartLink kit items

Cellular SmartLink kit items


  1. Plug the power adapter into the device and into a power outlet.

    Cellular SmartLink AC connection

  2. Check the LED. It should start blinking blue. This indicates that the device is searching a signal. Wait for 2 minutes before proceeding.


  3. Check the LED color, and follow the associated actions below.

    Important: Make sure you have cell phone reception. If you do not, the device will not be able to connect.

    blue-solid-96dpiSolid blue - The device is connected. Proceed to step 4.

    yellow-solid-96dpiSolid yellow - The device cannot detect any signal at your location.

    yellow-blinking-96dpiYellow blinking - Move the device (and power adapter) closer to a window if possible. If there is no window in the area, move the device to an outside wall. Plug in the power adapter and wait five minutes and check the LED color. If it turns to solid blue, proceed to the next step. If it is still yellow blinking, contact Pitney Bowes technical support by using the Contact Us options below.

    Cellular SmartLink AC window connection

    blinking-yellow-blue-96dpiBlinking blue and yellow - Move the device (and power adapter) at least 10 feet away from any electric appliances that could be causing interference. Plug in the power adapter and wait five minutes and check the LED color. If it turns to only solid blue, proceed to step 4. If it remains blinking blue and yellow, contact Pitney Bowes technical support by using the Contact Us options below..

    Cellular SmartLink appliance interference

  4. Connect the SmartLink Cellular device to the back of your meter using the USB cable.

    Cellular SmartLink mailstation connection

    Cellular SmartLink DM100i-DM475

    Important: Make sure that the analog phone line is disconnected from the meter.

    Cellular SmartLink analog connectors

  5. Verify that the LED on the device turns to green. This indicates that the device is connected to your meter and ready to use.

    Cellular Smartlink Cellular working properly

  6. Attach the device to your meter with the included Adhesive Fastener Strips.

    Attach Cellular SmartLink to device

UPDATED: September 25, 2024