"We do the right thing the right way"

Our core value statement is the north star we use in our interactions with our clients, business partners, employees and communities.

Ethics and Compliance

Pitney Bowes core value statement, “We do the right thing, the right way,” serves as our guiding light during all interactions with our stakeholders.

Laws and policies may evolve, but one thing that never changes is our commitment to maintaining honest, fair and respectful relationships with our clients, business partners, co-workers and the communities where we work and live. We continually provide education and training for employees to ensure they’re aware of our conduct expectations, as well as to give them the tools they need to succeed in a business culture that’s ethically and legally compliant. In this way, everyone benefits.


Employee discussing a plan

Business Practices Guidelines

The Pitney Bowes Business Practices Guidelines is our code of conduct. It provides an overview of policies, laws and expectations of conduct for all our employees globally. We expect employees to conduct themselves with the highest ethical standards. We recently refreshed the code of conduct to make it easier to navigate, and to add additional content addressing issues and questions which come to the Ethics team.

View our Business Practices Guidelines

Various reporting channels and ethics helpline

We encourage employees to seek advice when dealing with ethical dilemmas and to report any suspected or actual wrongdoing. In addition to reaching out to a manager, member of the Human Resources or Legal or Audit departments by web, phone, email or mail, employees can also call our Ethics Help Line. This Help Line is operated by a third-party administrator 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Employees can call this line to report their concerns (anonymously, if permitted by local law) in any of 140 languages. They can also submit a report online.

Ethics and Compliance Review Committee:

To ensure consistency from the top down, we conduct regular discussions on ethics matters. Our Ethics and Compliance Review Committee meets regularly to monitor and support business and functional unit compliance with regulatory mandates.


Employee discussing business


Employees need to know and understand what it means to work for Pitney Bowes when it comes to Ethics and Compliance. We communicate our expectations through customized annual education and training initiatives. Each year, we provide training in important compliance topics that are applicable to all. New employees receive introductory compliance training related to their jobs and are enrolled the following year in courses provided to the general employee population. We make our annual training material available in multiple languages.

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