Location Intelligence Module

Performance and Usability

  • The REST version of table describe now returns raster size, field, and band details when a named table refers to an MRR.
  • Four new MI _SQL functions have been added that give access to the structure and point data of geometries other than points. The new functions are MI_NumPoints, MI_PointN, MI_NumGeometries, and MI_GeometryN.
  • It is now possible to configure a folder that is outside of the Spectrum deployment where custom image symbols can be stored without being put in a jar file. The folder and its contents will be preserved during future upgrades.
  • The support to specify field and band has been added in MI_GridValue and MI_GridValueAtPixel functions for MRR.
  • The Map Uploader now supports logging in by users who are an admin (a user who belongs to the spatial-admin role) or a sub admin (a user who has the write permissions to at least one repository folder). Users who are sub-admins will only be able to upload into the folders on which they have write permission.
  • Spatial Manager now supports specifying a database-specific SQL query when creating a named table for Oracle, PostGres, or SQL Server. This is in addition to the current support for picking a pre-existing database table or database view. When using a database specific SQL all of the SQL syntax supported by the database can be used.

Spatial Manager Enhancements

Note: Previous versions of Spectrum Spatial Analyst are not supported on Spectrum Platform 2018.2. Customers who have deployed Spectrum Spatial Analyst should ensure they also upgrade to version 2018.2 after upgrading the Spectrum Platform. For details please review the Installation Guide for Spectrum Spatial Analyst 2018.2.

Several enhancements have been made to Spatial Manager in this release. For more information on Spatial Manager, see the Utilities section of the Spectrum Spatial Guide.

  • When picking a symbol to style override a layer, the Spatial Manager symbol picker dialog will now also show symbols from the custom symbol folder described in the Performance and Usability section.
  • Spatial Manager now allows viewing and managing of permissions for resources and folders. Permissions can be assigned to users or roles. The admin (a user who belongs to the spatial-admin role) or a sub-admin (a user who has WRITE permissions to at least one repository folder) can manage permissions through the UI. Users who are sub-admins will only be able to manage named resources in the folders on which they have write permission.
  • Spatial Manager now alerts the administrator about an imminent license expiry. A warning message is displayed to the administrator displaying the number of days left before the license will expire.
  • Certain changes to the LIM module no longer require a Spectrum Server restart. The capability to restart just the LIM (Location Intelligence Module) remote component JVM (Java Virtual Machine) has been added to Spectrum Spatial Manager. This restart will force the LIM module to release any cached memory of files, tables, databases, symbols, or data providers. If the restart operation is invoked on any one of the nodes in a cluster, the same operation gets invoked on all other nodes automatically.