simpleType HistoricTrafficTimeBucket
type restriction of xsd:string
base xsd:string
used by
elements GetTravelBoundaryRequest/HistoricTrafficTimeBucket RouteCostMatrixRequest/HistoricTrafficTimeBucket
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration none
No Historic traffic time bucket will be used.
enumeration AMPeak
Historic traffic time bucket for Morning peak hours.
enumeration PMPeak
Historic traffic time bucket for evening peak hours.
enumeration offPeak
Historic traffic time bucket for off peak time.
enumeration night
Historic traffic time bucket for night time.
Specifies whether the routing calculation uses the historic traffic speeds. These speeds are based on different time-of-day buckets. The data must have historic traffic speeds included in order to use this feature. The data for each country/region has the same bucket definitions, where the speeds for these bucket values may vary.

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