Decertification of Standard Meter Machines

From 1st January 2023 Royal Mail will only accept franked mail from customers who use a Mailmark® franking machine.
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DM 50
If you want to lose the capability to frank, you can learn how to return your franking machine here.
Return your machine
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Continue franking with Mailmark® franking machine

With Mailmark® savings increased to 17p for 1st and 2nd class stamps, there has never been a better time to upgrade to a Mailmark® meter.

If you upgrade to a Mailmark® meter you’ll achieve a host of benefits and efficiency whether you mail just a few items or 100’s every day. Below you can request a call back from a sales representative who will provide you with a relevant offer according to your franking machine usage. You can also return your meter if you do not want to continue franking.

If you already have a Mailmark® machine it's good news, you can carry on without changing a thing.


What is Royal Mail decertification of Non-Mailmark franking machines?

From 1st January 2023, Royal Mail will no longer accept mail from some models of franking machines. Mail franked by franking machines that don’t use Mailmark, a form of 2D barcode, will not be accepted.

If you’d like to speak to an advisor about how this might affect you, you can request a call back by clicking here.

How do I tell if my franking machine will be affected by Royal Mail decertification?

The difference between a standard franking machine and Mailmark franking machine is the meter impression it prints on your mail.
A Mailmark franking machine uses a 2D barcode shown below.

(Image A)

Whereas a standard franking machine uses an indicia.

(Image B)

If your franking machine prints a meter impress that looks like the image above without a 2D barcode (Image B), then you need to consider another franking solution to meets your needs. If you’d like to find out more about Mailmark click here.

Why is Royal Mail decertifying Standard Franking Machines?

All Royal Mail franking machines are moving to Mailmark, a form of 2D barcode, which is the most efficient and accurate way of processing mail. To hear more from Royal Mail about decertification, click here

Which franking machine models will be affected by decertification?

If your franking machine prints an indicia, you will need to upgrade your machine. Please find the full list below of machines that will be affected.

If your franking machine prints a Mailmark barcode, and is not listed below, you do not need to upgrade your machine or take any action. Royal Mail will continue to accept your mail after 1st January 2023 as normal.

Non-Mailmark Franking Machines

DM50, DM55 & K700
DM100i, DM125i, DM150i & DM200i
DM300c (Pre 2013)
DM400c (Pre 2013)
DM475 (Pre 2013)
DM400, DM500, DM550 & DM575
Paragon Series
DM800, DM900 & DM1000
DM200, DM225, DM250 & DM300
Post Perfect & B700
E700 & Personal Post

My meter is displaying “ 'Class Required', 'Connection Required' or ‘Unable to Upload Data”

Your meter is no longer able to process mail as the deadline has passed. In order to continue sending franked mail, please select “Let’s talk”.