
findAddressCandidates uses required and optional parameters in a GET request to geocode a single address.

Parameter Details
f Required: The response format in json, html or kmz. For the PBLocator, the supported format is json.
addressField Required The address of the location to be geocoded.
countryCode Required: Defines the source country for the address.
singleLine Optional: An address cas a single string to be geocoded.
neighborhood Optional Neighborhood the address is in,
city Optional:City the address is in.
subregion Optional: Subregion the address is in.
region Optional: Region the address is in.
postal Optional: Postcode for the address
postalExt Optional: Additional postcode for the address.
maxLocations Optional: The maximum number of locations to be returned
outFields Optional: The list of fields to be returned.
outSR Optional: The well-known ID (WKID) of the spatial reference or a spatial reference JSON object for the returned address candidates.
addressField2 Not supported
addressField3 Not supported
location Not supported
category Not supported
matchOutofRange Not supported
magicKey Not supported
locationType Not supported
searchExtent Not supported
forStorage Not supported