Applying Metadata

A .qsfm metadata file contains additional information that can be applied to a focus file such as derived field definitions, field interpretations, binnings, record selections, field and focus comments and focus history. This procedure describes how to apply this kind of metadata to a focus file produced using the Write to Miner Dataset stage.
  1. Obtain a valid Miner focus metadata file (either export from an existing focus in Spectrum Miner or acquire from a third party).
    Metadata files must have a .qsfm extension.
  2. Ensure that the Write to Miner Dataset Options dialog is currently displayed (see Writing to a Miner Dataset).
  3. From the Write to Miner Dataset Options dialog, check the Apply Metadata checkbox.
  4. Below the Apply Metadata checkbox, click the ... button inside the File Name field to show the Open File dialog.
    The metadata file picker will be disabled when the Apply Metadata checkbox is not checked.
  5. Using the Open File dialog, locate and open the .qsfm file obtained in step 1.
    Note: When the Apply Metadata checkbox is checked, a metadata file must be selected before the stage's configuration can be applied.
    Note: Unchecking the Apply Metadata checkbox after selecting a metadata file will disable the metadata file chooser and will not apply the metadata file on stage execution, but for convenience the file chooser will not remove the selected file until the Write to Miner Dataset Options dialog is closed.
  6. Optional: Check the Ignore warnings checkbox if you do not want the dataflow to fail if a piece of metadata cannot be applied.