Web Server

A web server is a program like open source Apache, Microsoft’s IIS (Internet Information Services), or others. For ease-of-use, a simplified web server, http-server, was used. You can find that web server at https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-server. To install http-server:

  1. Install npm/node-js. These are utility programs used by Spectrum developers.
  2. Download and install Npm/node-js from https://nodejs.org/download/release/v5.6.0/node-v5.6.0-x64.msi.
  3. To install an MSI file, double click on the file after the download is complete.
  4. After installing http-server, create a BAT file containing one command. The file _http-server.bat is provided as a sample BAT file:
    Call C:\Users\ED010DA\AppData\Roaming\npm\http-server.cmd ./ -p82
  5. Change ED010DA to your userid. The BAT file should reside in the same directory where the index.html file resides. The 82 in the –p82 parameter is your web server port.