Standard Fields

This table lists some of the standard fields and terms you come across in global address parsing, and gives description of these.

Fields Descriptions
Countries supported UK, Germany
Formats Handles country-specific addressing conventions efficiently. Primarily, the address pattern supported is 3 box: point information followed by street information, and location information.
UK Format OrganizationName > Floor > PlaceName > AddressNumber > Street > Neighbourhood > City/Suburb/County > PostCode > Country
Germany Format OrganizationName > Floor > PlaceName > AddressNumber > Street > Neighbourhood > City/Suburb/County > PostCode > Country
Use case Parser can be used to break up single line addresses, which can in turn be used as a feeder to validation engine.
Confidence.Total This confidence value indicates how sure the engine is of the fields parsed. Parsing is done on basis of pre-shipped ML models and the patterns catered by the machine learning engine are assigned a confidence value for you to decide on usage of these output fields as feeder to the address validation engine or otherwise.