Machine Learning Module

Upgrading from 12.0

You cannot upgrade from version 12.0 of the Machine Learning Module to version 12.0 SP1, 12.0 SP2, or 12.0 SP2.1 of the Machine Learning Module because version 12.0 was a technology preview.

Hard disk requirements

When creating Machine Learning models, ensure that the available hard disk space where Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform is installed is at least twice the size of the input file to accommodate associated temporary files.

Because hard disk speed impacts the performance of Machine Learning jobs in Enterprise Designer, we recommend using a solid-state drive as your hard drive.

Creating multiple models

Creating Machine Learning models is a complex and sophisticated process that impacts memory and CPU resources. Therefore, if you expect to create multiple models that use large datasets, we recommend creating the models in separate jobs, sequentially, rather than creating them at all at once in one or two jobs. This recommendation also applies when multiple users are creating models from within different Enterprise Designer clients.