Using Multiple Relationships

When you work with a large dataset, it can be helpful to narrow the search as much as possible. One way of accomplishing this is by using multiple relationships in your query. You can create the query with multiple relationships in an "or" dynamic (one relationship or the other must apply), or you can create the query with multiple relationships in an "and" dynamic (all relationships in the query must apply), as there are likely to be fewer people with two or more things in common than there are with one thing in common..

For an "or" dynamic, you would select multiple items on the Relationships options window at the same time:

This results in the following on the canvas; the comma between the two relationship types denotes an "or" relationship:

For an "and" dynamic, you would select a single item on the Relationships options window at multiple times:

This results in the following on the canvas; the multiple relationship types between the two entity types denotes an "and" relationship: