Historical Sales Data Fields

This section describes the output fields that are returned for each Property Attributes dataset. For more details and for highlighted field names, refer to the Excel® spreadsheet that is provided with your Property Attributes dataset download.
Note: The Historical Sales Data is supplied as pipe delimited ( | ) text files (.TXT) for download.

All Variables Dataset

The All Variables dataset contains all of the fields in the following table.

Field Name Short Name Field Type Description
Pbkey PBKEY Char (17) Proprietary unique lookup key that ties to the Pitney Bowes Master Location Dataset.
LinkID LINKID varchar (50) ID to Link to Property Attributes Dataset
PropOwnerType RECTYPE varchar (1) Record Type: R - Residential B - Business
BusinessType BUSINESS varchar (255) Business Name
OwnerFirstName FNAME varchar (50) First Name
OwnerMiddleName MNAME varchar (50) Middle Name
OwnerLastName LNAME varchar (50) Surname
OwnerSuffix SUFFIX varchar (10) Jr., Sr., I, II, etc
OwnerGender GENDER varchar (1) Gender Code: M - Male F - Female
OwnerDOB DOB varchar (8) Date of Birth - YYYYMMDD
PropAddressFull ADDRESS varchar (64) Full Address for the physical location of the property
PropHouseNumber HOUSE varchar (10) House Number
PropStreetPreDir PREDIR varchar (2) Street PreDirectional: N, S, E, W, NE, etc
PropStreetName STREET varchar (28) Street Name or PO Box name, or RR # Box name, or HC # Box name
PropStreetSuffix STRTYPE varchar (4) Physical Street Suffix: ST, AVE, PL, BLVD, PKWY, etc
PropStreetPostDir POSTDIR varchar (2) Street Post Direction: N, S, E, W, NE, etc
PropUnitType APTTYPE varchar (4) Unit Designator
PropUnitNumber APTNBR varchar (8) Unit Number
PropCity CITY varchar (28) City Name
PropState STATE varchar (2) State Abbreviation
PropZip ZIP varchar (5) Zip Code
PropZip4 Z4 varchar (4) Zip+4 Code
PropVacancy VACANT varchar (1) Vacant: Y - Physical Address Identified by USPS as Vacant N - Someone living at that address
SaleAmount PROP_SALEAMT Float Price of the sale as depicted on the recorded sales transaction
MortgageLenderName PROP_LENDERNAME varchar (60) Name of Lender
MortgageAmount PROP_MTGAMT varchar (11) Amount of Mortgage Loan in USD Dollars$
SaleTransactionDate PROP_RECDATE varchar (8) The date the sales transaction was recorded at the county - YYYYMMDD
TaxBillAmount PROP_TAXAMT Decimal (11,2) The Total Tax amount from the tax bill, provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority.
TaxBillYear PROP_TAXYR varchar (4) The tax or assessment year for which the taxes were billed - YYYY
TotalAssessedValue PROP_ASSED_VAL Bigint The Total Assessed Value of the property's Land & Improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority (2 implied decimals)