Installing a Siebel Locale JAR File

To connect to a Siebel server with a locale other than English, the locale-specific jar file needs to be installed. The jar file name follows the convention SiebelJI_<locale>.jar.

For example, if the locale selected is French, the required jar file is SiebelJI_fra.jar.
Note: The English locale jar file, SiebelJI_enu.jar comes pre-installed with the Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform installation.
  1. Login to the Siebel server system, to which the connection is to be created.
  2. Go to the path {Siebel-server-installation-directory}\siebsrvr\CLASSES.
  3. Download the required locale specific Siebel JAR file from the mentioned path.
  4. Place the downloaded jar file in the mentioned path on the Spectrumâ„¢ server: {installation-path}\Pitney Bowes\Spectrum\server\app\lib.
You can now create a Siebel connection in the locale for which you installed the jar file.