Exemple de script Hive

-- Register Universal Addressing Module [UAM-Global] BDQ Hive UDAF Jar 
ADD JAR <Directory path>/uam.global.hive.${project.version}.jar;

ADD FILE <Directory path>/libAddressDoctor5.so;

-- Provide alias to UDAF class (optional). String in quotes represent class names needed for this job to run.
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION globalvalidation as 'com.pb.bdq.uam.process.hive.global.GlobalAddressingUDAF';

set hive.map.aggr = false;

-- set engine configuration
set pb.bdq.uam.global.engine.configurations=[{ "referenceData": {"dataDir":"/media/New Volume/hduser/resources/uam/addressDoctor/5.8.0/", "referenceDataPathLocation":"LocaltoDataNodes"}, "databaseType":"BATCH_INTERACTIVE", "preloadingType":"NONE", "allCountries":false, "supportedCountries":"CAN,USA,AUS"}];

-- set input configuration
set pb.bdq.uam.global.input.configuration={"resultStateProvinceType":"COUNTRY_STANDARD", "processMatchingScope":"ALL", "processEnrichmentAMAS":false, "inputForceCountryISO3":"AUS", "inputDefaultCountryISO3":"AUS", "inputFormatDelimiter":"CRLF", "resultFormatDelimiter":"CRLF", "resultIncludeInputs":false, "resultCountryType":"NAME_EN", "processOptimizationLevel":"STANDARD", "resultPreferredLanguage":"DATABASE", "processMode":"BATCH", "resultPreferredScript":"DATABASE", "resultMaximumResults":1, "resultCasing":"NATIVE", "properties":{"Result.StateProvinceType":"COUNTRY_STANDARD", "Process.MatchingScope":"ALL", "Process.EnrichmentAMAS":"false", "Input.ForceCountryISO3":"AUS", "Input.FormatDelimiter":"CRLF", "Result.FormatDelimiter":"CRLF", "Input.DefaultCountryISO3":"AUS", "Result.IncludeInputs":"false", "Result.CountryType":"NAME_EN", "Process.OptimizationLevel":"STANDARD", "Result.PreferredLanguage":"DATABASE", "Process.Mode":"BATCH", "Result.PreferredScript":"DATABASE", "Result.MaximumResults":"1", "Result.Casing":"NATIVE", "Database.AddressGlobal":"Database"}};

-- set general configuration
set pb.bdq.uam.global.general.configuration={"cacheSize":"LARGE", "maxThreadCount":8, "maxAddressObjectCount":8, "rangesToExpand":"NONE", "flexibleRangeExpansion":"ON", "enableTransactionLogging":false, "maxMemoryUsageMB":1024};

-- set unlock codec
set pb.bdq.uam.global.unlockCode=<Insert your Unlock Code here>;

-- set header
set pb.bdq.header=recordid,AddressLine1,City,StateProvince,PostalCode,Country;

-- Execute Query on the desired table, to display the job output on console. This query returns a map of key value pairs containing output fields for each row.
SELECT tmp2.record["HouseNumber"], tmp2.record["Confidence"], tmp2.record["AddressLine1"], tmp2.record["StreetName"], tmp2.record["PostalCode"], tmp2.record["ElementInputStatus"], tmp2.record["MailabilityScore"] FROM ( SELECT  globalvalidation(recordid, addressline1, city, stateprovince, postalcode, country) as mygp from address) as addressgroup LATERAL VIEW explode(addressgroup.mygp) tmp2 as record ;

-- Query to dump output data to a file
INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '/home/hadoop/GlobalAddressing/' row format delimited FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' lines terminated by '\n' STORED AS TEXTFILE
SELECT tmp2.record["HouseNumber"], tmp2.record["Confidence"], tmp2.record["AddressLine1"], tmp2.record["StreetName"], tmp2.record["PostalCode"], tmp2.record["ElementInputStatus"], tmp2.record["MailabilityScore"] FROM ( SELECT  globalvalidation(recordid, addressline1, city, stateprovince, postalcode, country) as mygp from address) as addressgroup LATERAL VIEW explode(addressgroup.mygp) tmp2 as record ;

| address.recordid  |     address.addressline1     |  address.city   | address.stateprovince  | address.postalcode  | address.country  |
| 1                 | 18 Merivale St               | South Brisbane  | QLD                    | 4101                | AUS              |
| 2                 | 19 Serpentine Rd             | Albany          | WA                     | 6330                | AUS              |
| 3                 | 317 VICTORIA ST GR           | BRUNSWICK       | VIC                    | 3056                | AUS              |
| 4                 | DUPLEX 6/16-18 O'CONNELL ST  | AINSLIE         | ACT                    | 2602                | AUS              |
| 5                 | LOT 154 470 BRYGON CREEK DR  | UPPER COOMERA   | QLD                    | 4209                | AUS              |
| 6                 | 16 GREENE ST                 | WARRAWONG       | ACT                    | 2502                | AUS              |
| 7                 | UNIT 47/16 BLAIRMOUNT ST     | PARKINSON       | QLD                    | 4115                | AUS              |
| 8                 | 13-15 FRANCESCO CRES         | BELLA VISTA     | NSW                    | 2153                | AUS              |
| 9                 | 4 RYANS LANE                 | HEATHCOTE       | VIC                    | 3523                | AUS              |
| 10                | 1 CHRISTMAS LN               | NORTH POLE      | VIC                    | 1111                | AUS              |

|Confidence |StreetName     |HouseNumber |     AddressLine1             | AddressType   |
| 100.00  	| MERIVALE      | 18 		 | 18 MERIVALE ST               | S    			|
| 99.42   	| SERPENTINE    | 19     	 | 19 SERPENTINE RD E           | S    			|
| 97.95   	| VICTORIA      | 317    	 | 317 VICTORIA ST              | S    			|
| 100.00  	| O'CONNELL     | 16-18  	 | DUP 6 16-18 O'CONNELL ST     | S    			|
| 0.00    	| BRYGON CREEK  | 470    	 | LOT 154 470 BRYGON CREEK DR  | U    			|
| 76.99   	| GREENE        | 16      	 | 16 GREENE ST                 | S    			|
| 100.00  	| BLAIRMOUNT    | 16     	 | U 47 16 BLAIRMOUNT ST        | S    			|
| 100.00  	| FRANCESCO     | 13-15  	 | 13-15 FRANCESCO CRES         | S    			|
| 100.00  	| RYANS         | 4      	 | 4 RYANS LANE                 | S    			|
| 0.00    	| CHRISTMAS     | 1      	 | 1 CHRISTMAS LN               | U    			|