Enterprise Geocoding Module

Full Postcode Support for GBR

TomTom street data for Great Britain now provides full postcode support for more than 80 percent of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands). Previously the data provided postcodes up to the sector level. A full postcode for the UK consists of three parts: district, sector and unit. For example SW1A 2AA has SW1A for district, 2 for sector and AA for unit. By including the postal unit in the data, matching accuracy has improved and the location of the resulting point is more precise. False positive results are reduced as well.

Improved Match Quality

Matching with TomTom street data will now return a more accurate street match due to full postcode support. For example, 10 Downing St, London SW1A 2 AA now returns a single match for that address and full postcode. Previously it returned a partial postcode.

Improved Location Precision

The precision of some returned locations has improved with full postcode support. An input address without a house number can now match to a single street segment, when each segment in the TomTom data has its own full postcode. Previously the output could have been multiple candidates.

Improved Accuracy

You may see that some records no longer indicate a match to the Z flag portion of the 10-digit result code. With full postcode support, the geocoder now returns the Z flag only where it matched the full postcode (S5HPNTSCZA). Previously a partial postcode match would yield a Z result. These records now return a dash in place of Z (S5HPNTSC-A).

pbKey™ Unique Identifier for Great Britain Geocoder

The Great Britain geocoder with AddressBase Premium data (vintage Q32016 or later) supports the pbKey™ unique identifier, a value that uniquely identifies an address. This information is returned from a forward or reverse geocode match, provided you are matching against the AddressBase data and you have set the return value to return all available information. pbKey™ is available when using either the Enterprise Geocoding Module or Global Geocoding Module.

The coverage for AddressBase data includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The pbKey™ unique identifier enhanced data in AddressBase was introduced for the Enterprise Geocoding Module at the time of the Q3 2016 data refresh.

New Country Geocoders

  • Vietnam (VNM): New geocoder with Vietnamese language support. Data for Vietnam includes streets, cities, localities (towns, districts, precincts), and postal codes which can result in Z, S4, S5, G3 and G4 matches.
  • Colombia (COL): New geocoder with Spanish language support. Data for Colombia includes streets, cities, and municipalities which can result in S4, S5, G3 and G4 matches.

Enhanced Data

  • China (CHN): new premium dataset CN6 (Q1 2017 data refresh)
  • Thailand (THA): improvements for performance (Q1 2017 data refresh)
  • Slovakia (SVK): new address points (Q1 2017 data refresh)
  • Ireland (IRL): new address points (Q1 2017 data refresh)

Province No Longer Required for Canada Geocoding

Geocoding with the Canada geocoder no longer requires an input value for province. This applies when you are geocoding to the street level, or when falling back to a geographic centroid. This matches the behavior of other country geocoders.