Heap Memory After Upgrading

Prior to version 11.0, the Location Intelligence Module had two remote components, spatial.feature for the Feature Service and spatial.mapping for the Mapping Service. Beginning with version 11.0 there is a single remote component that handles all spatial service requests. The spatial remote component is listed as the "Spatial Component" secured entity type under the Database Resources group. In addition, the default maximum heap memory for the single spatial component is now 2048MB (2GB) instead of 1024MB (1GB). This new default will only be set in new installs and not in upgrades.

If you are upgrading and your default maximum heap memory is less than 2048MB, it will not be upgraded to 2048MB; however, you can change it manually in the java.vmargs file. The pool size after upgrading will be the highest value of what was set for spatial.mapping or spatial.feature. For example, if you had a pool size of 6 for the Mapping Service component and a pool size of 4 for the Feature Service component, upon upgrade the pool size for the single component would be 6.