Location Intelligence Module

  • (MID-37038) MRR rendering and querying does not work if the system path points to a different copy of the MIRaster DLLs.
  • (MID-37063 / SSP-318) If a raster has control points that require it to be transformed under a coordinate system, then it is not rendered correctly. When rendering a single image, the raster will not be transformed and vector layers will not match up with the image. As a result the image will be in the wrong location.
  • (MID-33096) For PostGIS only, a query containing a GeometryCollection will fail.
  • (MID-32835) A WMTS layer cannot be created when using different tabs or windows to fix an invalid reference tile. For example, if you correct the width of a reference tile in a different tab when adding a WMTS layer in Spatial Manager, you will continue to see an error for the reference tile. Refresh the page to continue with the layer creation.
  • (MID-32685 / SCS-4338) Some functions used on a geometry object (Obj) with a raster TAB file (such as a GRD) fail with an error; for example, select MI_Envelope(Obj) from "/my_grd_file".
  • (MID-30442) Bitmap symbols are rendered differently in MapInfo Pro than they are in Spectrum Spatial.