Enterprise GeoComplete Module

  • (EGMI-2312) When entering -1 in the Max Candidates option, some international geocoders display a message indicating this is an invalid entry. -1 is an acceptable value. It represents 100 as the maximum candidates to be returned.
  • (GMF-1262) No output is returned when a database is specified in lower case as part of a SOAP request. This should not be case sensitive.
  • (GMF-1351) If search distance is specified as a decimal value, the distance is not honored. For example, if you restrict the search distance to 1.5 kilometers, this distance is ignored.
  • (GMF-1380) For geocoders that include more than one country, the correct country code is not always returned. For example a Vatican (VAT) address returns with the country code for Italy (ITA).
  • (GMF-1475) When you re-run the database loader, you may get an error message and instructions to "see the installation log for details." This message appears because data already exists in the target folder. For example, if you loaded the GeoComplete Americas bundle and then re-run the database loader for the EMEA bundle, you will see this message even if the database load was successful.
Note: For each country, street, POI, and user dictionaries (if any) must have unique names and be in the same folder. If a country supports multiple languages, the language-specific dictionaries must also be in the same parent folder. .