
Parameter Type Description

POST: returnAllCandidateInfo

Boolean Specifies whether to return all available information for each candidate.
Return all available information for each candidate.
Do not return all available information for each candidate. Default.

POST: maxReturnedCandidates

GET: maxCands

Integer The maximum number of candidates to return. Optional. Must be an integer value. Default = 1.

POST: clientCoordSysName

String Specifies the coordinate system that you want to convert the geometry to. The format must be the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code or the SRID code. Default = EPSG:4326.

Specify the coordinate reference system in the format codespace:code.

POST: returnAllCustomFields

Return all of the custom fields for the candidate.
Return only the standard set of fields for the candidate. Default.

POST: returnedCustomFieldKeys

List<String> Specifies a list of keys that represent the custom fields to be returned in the candidate's customFields output. Custom fields vary by country. For example: “CTYST_KEY” or “DATATYPE”. Default: empty.
Note: To specify multiple key/value pairs for a country, use spaces to separate the names of the custom fields to be returned.