Application Link-in

An Application Link-in allows you to access Spectrum Spatial Analyst from an external application.Spectrum Spatial Analyst is also capable of receiving a description of a selection set when started by an external application. In this event Spectrum Spatial Analyst updates its current selection set to match the incoming selection description.

Following steps are needed to use Link-in functionality on Analyst.

  1. Configure Generic Link Framework/External Application Bridge to generate Link-in file when Link-In is requested from third party application.
  2. Refer Application Setup block of documentation to configure AppLinking.xml for Link-in.
  3. Start Application Linking Utility node server from command line. For more information, refer to Application Linking Installer documentation.
  4. Open analyst in browser and Sign in to it.
  5. Now make a Link-in request from Third Party application.
  6. You should be able to see the corresponding records in search results panel of Analyst and map layer added to the opened Mapconfig if Mapconfig in AppLinking.xml for Link-in is same as that of MapConfig opened in analyst otherwise Mapconfig of AppLinking.xmlwith be fetched and analyst view will be refreshed.
  7. You may click on any individual result in the Search Results panel to highlight the record on the map. On clicking, this record will also be added to the annotation.

Operations on Link-in Records In Analyst

  1. Once search results are in Analyst you can clear search results and Map layer from analyst once finished.
  2. You can restore Link-in Records in search results view in Analyst if you switched to either Locator/DataBinding /FindNearest view by clicking information Icon on Legend corresponding to Map layer.
  3. Results once cleared won’t be restored and you have to issue fresh Link-in request from third party application.
  4. You can export to CSV records that are Linked In analyst
  5. Apart from above operation you can do all the usual operation with Map Layer Added.

Known Limitations

There can be only one set of Link-in records available at a time in Spectrum Spatial Analyst view. If you make new Link-in request from third party application the first request is overwritten. Link-in records on the map are represented by Megenta color on map.