Error 0205410042 "WOW zero length error" on the Connect+ Series, SendPro P

Learn how to resolve error 020541003F "WOW zero length error" on the Connect+ Series, SendPro P.
Products affected: Connect+® 500W, Connect+® 1000, Connect+® 2000, Connect+® 3000, SendPro® P1000, SendPro® P1500, SendPro® P2000, SendPro® P3000


Your meter stopped and displays error 020541003F "WOW zero length error".


Your meter reported a mailpiece length of zero. This may indicate that the mailpiece skewed or sensors on the machine have un-calibrated.


Step 1: Check the mailpiece

Ensure that the mailpiece did not skew.

Step 2: Reboot your system

Follow these steps for a safe restart:

  1. Select the Gear from the lower right corner of the home screen.
  2. Select Shut Down from the menu.
  3. Select Shut Down on the pop-up window.
  4. Wait for the screen to go black and the blue light on the front to go out. This may take several minutes.
  5. Wait 10 seconds, then press the Power button to power back up.

Step 3: Clean the mail path

  1. Using a can of non-flammable canned air and working from the left side of the machine to the exit, blow onto the feed deck that the envelopes or tape sheets travel on.
    Important: Make sure to spend enough time in this step to ensure that all dust and debris gets removed.

UPDATED: 22 June 2023

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