Entering the USPS® Mailer ID on the SendPro MailCenter

Your mailer ID is a 9-digit number that you need when using Electronic Return Receipt (ERR) on your SendPro® MailCenter.
Products affected: SendPro® MailCenter 1000, SendPro® MailCenter 2000, SendPro® MailCenter 3000

Your mailer ID is a 9-digit number that you need when using Electronic Return Receipt (ERR). To get your mailer ID, you need to submit Form 5053, Bulk Proof of Delivery to the USPS.

Setting the Mailer ID number:

  1. Select Settings under Mailing.
  2. Select Applications.
  3. Select Tracking Services.
  4. Enter the Mailer ID number in the Mailer ID field.

If the Mailer ID has been added or changed and you already had pre-existing jobs created using ERR, you will need to manually edit the Mailer ID in those jobs. The global Mailer ID set in the above steps will not override pre-existing jobs.

Editing the Mailer ID on a pre-existing job:

  1. Select Jobs.
  2. Select the job containing ERR that you want to edit. The Run Mail screen will open with your selected job.
  3. Edit the Mailer ID field on the left side of the screen.
  4. Select Save.

UPDATED: February 07, 2023