Summarize Data in a Single Annotation

You can summarize data in\within a single annotation. It displays the sum, average, min and max of numeric data that falls within the selected annotation. To get summarized data for the selected annotation:

  1. Click on the Annotation Manger icon on the toolbar. The Annotation Manger dialog box appears.
  2. Select the Annotation for which you want to summarize data.
  3. Click on the edit icon. The properties dialog box appear for selected annotation.
  4. Click on the Summarize Data tab. The Summarize Data for the selected annotation appears under Summarize Data tab
    Options Description
    For Table Select the table for which you want to summarize data.

    Select whether the data should be within or intersecting the annotation. You may select Features intersect these annotations or Features are within this annotation option. Intersecting is the only option for lines and points while polygons can have either option.

    Count Displays the total number of features found in selected area.
    Sum Displays the sum of corresponding values for numeric data for each table column.
    Average Displays the average of corresponding values for numeric data for each table column.
    Min Displays the minimum value of corresponding values for numeric data for each table column.
    Max Displays the maximum value of corresponding values for numeric data for each table column.
    Export Exports the summarize data to a csv file.
    Close Close the Summarize Data dialog box.
    Export Selected Exports only selected data to a csv file.
    Note: Summarize data is not supported for Text Annotations.