element GridStyle
diagram mws_p572.png
namespace http://www.mapinfo.com/mxp
type extension of mxp:AbstractStyleType
substitution group mxp:_Style
content complex
children mxp:RenderStyle mxp:DataTransformList mxp:GridInflectionList
used by
element CompositeStyle
Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation
id xs:ID optional
name xs:string optional
contrast mxp:ValueExtentType optional
brightness mxp:ValueExtentType optional
opacity mxp:ValueExtentType optional
grayscale xs:boolean optional
show-hillshade xs:boolean optional
null-color mxp:CSS2ColorType optional
null-transparent xs:boolean optional
Decoration for a MapInfo grid image. If optional attribute "null-transparent" is "true", null cells are transparent; otherwise they display in the color identified in the optional attribute "null-color". RenderStyle and DataTransformList enhances the display of a raster by applying color palettes and various transformation methods. The GridInflectionList governs which color assigned for a value in the data. show-hillshade is a boolean that governs whether to render the grid with relief shading in order to provide a more 3D appearance. The default is false. null-color is the color to use to indicate that a value is null. Default is black. null-transparent is a flag that indicates to the renderer that null values should be rendered transparently. Default is false.
attribute GridStyle/@show-hillshade
type xs:boolean
use optional
attribute GridStyle/@null-color
type mxp:CSS2ColorType
use optional
attribute GridStyle/@null-transparent
type xs:boolean
use optional

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