element GridFileDataSourceDefinition
diagram mws_p457.png
namespace http://www.mapinfo.com/mxp
type extension of mxp:AbstractDataSourceDefinitionType
substitution group mxp:_DataSourceDefinition
content complex
children mxp:DataSourceName mxp:ConnectionMember mxp:FileName mxp:SRSName mxp:RegistrationPointSet mxp:CustomAttributesDefinitionList
Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation
id xs:ID required
readOnly xs:boolean optional false
volatile xs:boolean optional true
Definition of a data source that is a grid image file. The optional element SRSName is the coordinate system of the (geo-referenced) grid file and is only needed if the grid file is of the type that does not contain its coordinate system. The optional element RegistrationPointSet identifies registration points and is only needed if the grid file does not contain its registration points.

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