element Envelope
diagram mws_p655.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/gml
type gml:EnvelopeType
substitution group gml:_Geometry
content complex
children gml:metaDataProperty gml:description gml:name gml:coordinates
used by
elements DisplayConditions FeatureDefaultView GraticuleExtents WMSLayer
complexTypes ArcType EllipseType RectangleType RoundedRectType
group boundingShape
Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation
gml:id xs:ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type "ID", so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator "#", and the value of the id attribute.
srsName xs:anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to (Note: These "WKCRS"-ids still have to be specified). If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric aggregate.

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