Matching Preferences

You can use the options in Matching to set match criteria and restrictions so that the matching can be as strict or relaxed as you need.

Preference Description
Match Mode Match modes determine the leniency used to make a match between the input address and the reference data. Select a match mode based on the quality of your input and your desired output. The following match modes are available:
Requires a close match and generates a moderate number of match candidates. Default.
Requires a tight match. This restrictive mode generates the fewest match candidates, which decreases the processing time. .
Allows a loose match and generates the most match candidates, which increases the processing time and results in more multiple matches.
Search Type Type of search to perform: Address, Point of Interest Category, Point of Interest, or All
Administrative Area Search Limit the search area by an administrative boundary, such as city, town or postal code. Specify the administrative area on input.
Match on Address Number Candidates must match the input address number.