Modifying the Standardized Form of a Term

For tables used by Table Lookup to standardize terms, you can change the standardized form of a term. For example, if you have a table where you have the lookup terms PB and PB Software, and the standardized term is Pitney Bowes, and you want to change the standardized form to Pitney Bowes Inc, you could do this by following this procedure.

  1. In Enterprise Designer, select Tools > Table Management.
  2. In the Type field, select Table Lookup.
  3. In the Name field select the table you want to modify.
  4. Select the term you want to modify and click Modify.
    Tip: If there are multiple lookup terms for a standardized term, you can easily modify all lookup terms to use the new standardized term by selecting View by Standardized Term (Grouping) in the View by field, selecting the group, and clicking Modify.
  5. Type a new value in the Standardized Term field.
  6. Click OK.