
The Transformer stage modifies field values and formatting. You can perform more than one transform on a field as long as the input and output field names are identical.

General Transforms

Construct Field
Uses values from existing fields and/or constant values to either replace field values or create a new field. For example, say you have a field named City and you want to add the phrase "City of" to the values in the City field. You would create a template like this:
City of ${City}

In the To field field, you would select the City field. This has the effect of replacing the existing values in the City field with a value constructed using the template. For example, if the value in the City field is Chicago, the new value would be City of Chicago.

Some characters must be preceded by a backslash ("\") in order to produce a valid template. For example, the single quote character must be preceded by a backslash like this: \'. See for a list of characters that must be escaped with a backslash.

Copies the value from one field to another.
Allows you to define your own transform using the Groovy language. For more information, see Creating a Custom Transform.

For users of the Location Intelligence Module, custom transforms can access spatial datasets. See the Stages section in the Spectrum Spatial Guide on

Changes the name of a field. You can select from a list of field names already in the dataflow or you can type the name you want.
Changes the Status field to a value of either Success or Fail. When set to Fail, an optional Description and Code may also be set.

Formatting Transforms

Changes casing upper or lower case.
Applies or removes characters from a field. For more information, see Using a Mask Transform.
Adds characters to the left or right of the field value.

String Transforms

Minimize Whitespace
Removes whitespace at the beginning and end of the field. It also replaces any sequence of whitespaces (such as multiple, consecutive spaces) to a single whitespace character.
Remove Substring
Removes all occurrences of a string from a field. For example, you could remove "CA" from the StateProvince field.
Copies a contiguous sequence of characters from one field to another.
Removes specified characters from the left, right, or both sides of a field. Note that this transform is case-sensitive.
Removes a specified number of characters from the left, right, or both sides of a field.